List of Universities In Abia State – (Federal, State, Private)

List of Universities In Abia State

Do you want information about the list of Universities in Abia State? We’ve got you covered. We’ll share with you the list of Federal, State, and Private universities established in the state.

Abia is a state in Nigeria’s east-central region. In 1991, Abia was formed administratively from the eastern half of the former Imo state.

It is bordered on the north by the states of Enugu and Ebonyi, on the east and southeast by Akwa Ibom, on the south and southwest by Rivers, and on the west by Imo and Anambra.

Talking about schooling and education, The Abia State Ministry of Education is the governing body of the Abia State Government responsible for the formulation and implementation of policies relating to education in Abia State.

As of 2017, the state has a literacy level of 94.24%. Today, five universities exist in Abia State, of which one belongs to the federal government, one belongs to the state government and three are privately-owned.

Did any of the Universities in Abia state make it to the list of the top 10 best universities in Nigeria? You should check that out.

List of Universities In Abia State

Below, you’ll find the NUC-approved list of Federal, state, and private universities in Abia State.

Federal University

  • Michael Okpara University of Agricultural Umudike

State University

Private University

  • Gregory University, Uturu
  • Clifford University Owerrinta Abia State
  • Spiritan University, Nneochi Abia State

Guidelines For Establishing Institutions of Higher Education In Nigeria

Pursuant to the recommendations of the Commission on the Review of Higher Education in Nigeria, the Federal Government of Nigeria has approved guidelines for the establishment of higher institutions of learning in Nigeria.

Relevant excerpts contained in the Education (National Minimum Standards and Establishment of Institutions) (Amendment Decree No. 9 of 1993 are reproduced hereunder:-

19A. An institution of  Higher Education may be sponsored or owned by the Government of the Federation or of a State or Local Government or by any of the following, that is:

a.  By a Company incorporated in Nigeria: or

b.  By an individual or association of individuals who are citizens of Nigeria, and who satisfy the criteria set out in the Schedule to this Act for the establishment of institutions.

19B (1) Application for the establishment of an institution of higher education shall be made to the Minister:

a. in the case of a University, through the National Universities Commission:
b. in the case of a Polytechnic or College of Agriculture, through the National Board for Technical Education;
c. in the case of a College of Education, through the National Commission for Colleges of Education; and
d. in any other case, through the Director-General of the Federal Ministry of Education, in accordance with the guidelines prescribed for making the application.

No doubt, the establishment of existing Universities in Abia state is in accordance with the provisions presented by the NUC.

(2) No State, Local Government, or tertiary institution shall benefit from the education tax with respect to a tertiary institution unless the application for the establishment of that tertiary institution was made in accordance with the provision of subsection (1) of this section.

(3) No person shall be granted approval to establish an institution of higher education unless the criteria set out in the Schedule to this Act have been satisfied.

Also Read: List of Universities in Oyo State

Summary of Universities In Abia State

Thanks for checking out this list of Universities in Abia state. Are you a student of any of these schools, or you’re aiming to get admission? Let’s have your comments in the box provided below.

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